Warriors and Warlords (WW)–Rapier Activities on Saturday

20 May

Marshal in Charge:  Lord Yagüe Antolinéz                        nfwichman at gmail.com

Deputy MiC:  Baron Bazyli Bolesław z Krakowa               bazyli1592 at gmail.com



Pickup fighting – All Day
9am-10am                                                      Inspections/Authorizations
9:30am-10:00am                                            Warm up (footwork/following drills)
10am-Noon                                                     Baroness’ Whim
Noon-12:30pm+                                              Lunch: Youth Rapier Discussion
1pm-2:30pm                                                   King’s Prowess Tournament
2:30pm-3pm                                                   Rapier Spear Demonstration and Discussion
3pm-4pm                                                        Admiralty Melee tournament
4-5:30pm                                                        Counted Points C&T Tournament running in                                                                           parallel with the Rapier Spear Demonstration
and the Admiralty Melee Tournament


Saturday Lunch: Youth Rapier Discussion – (12:00 – 12:30+)
Join Master Ambrose von Pasau, Kingdom Rapier Marshal, and Meister Baldwin von Trier, Kingdom Youth Rapier Marshal, for a brief Q&A about Northshield’s upcoming Youth Rapier program.

Non-scheduled activities
Pickup fighting available all day while list is open.  Just have a marshal nearby.

Lord Yagüe is available to run through drills with anyone interested at any time he isn’t occupied on the list.  Approach him to initiate.  If you have an idea of what you want to work on, that would be great, but is not required. The focus of the drills can be as generic as footwork/parries/attacks or as specific as ‘I want to do reps of this specific thing’.

Warm up: Run by Lord Yagüe: a ‘class’ on Movement and Measure using partnered following drills.  Should be a good way to warm up before the first events happen.  Sword/mask not required.

Scheduled Tournaments, Melees and Demonstrations

Baroness Whim, Details TBD
General idea: boat battle/shore raid

Scenario: Nordskogen has discovered a potential location of its long lost treasures and must succeed in an assault on the shore to retrieve the chest of treasures and return it to the ship (guarded by Jararvellir).

King’s Prowess Tournament, Sponsored by His Majesty Hans and Run by
Lord Yagüe
Double elimination tournament, bring your best (and fanciest).

Admiralty Melee Tournament – Swiss 4
Sponsored by Hlāford Eadmund and the Admiralty of Northshield
4 person teams, each combatant can only bring one advanced authorization per team. For example you can only have one non-rigid, one rigid, one dagger, and one case per team.  Any number can bring single sword.

Counted Points C&T Tournament
Join Her Highness Thora on the Cut and Thrust field for a Counted Points Tournament.  There will be 3 points for head, 2 points for body and 1 point for limbs. The first person to reach 7 points in a match wins the bout. They must be a clear winner by at least 1 point.  This is a Cut & Thrust tournament, so all combatants must have the appropriate armour and authorization.

Unit Chaos Melee
Bring a team of 3-5 combatants, all units go on the field at the same time, each unit for itself (grand melee, but with teams). This can be run if there is time and interest, perhaps after the Admiralty Tournament.